radio times

Joe and I were interviewed on WHYY’s Radio Times yesterday with Marty Moss-Coane. They gave us a full hour, which I thought was terribly long, but it actually went very quickly. The audio is embedded below for anyone who didn’t hear it live. I was so happy to be there with Joe, sharing his stories…. read more

recap from the bride

I recently cut together this video from Dylan Taylor’s CD release party. The event was held at the Painted Bride, which I think is one of the best rooms in the city. Not only that, but it has a very cool, funky vibe, which I thought was the perfect match for Dylan’s musical aesthetic. The… read more


Here’s another attempt at getting my website caught up with recent activities. Before the AlyCat tour in October, we decided to shoot another music video. Intended as a companion piece to our last venture, we used nearly the same crew, and went for a similarly quirky vibe. We once again enlisting the talents of puppet… read more

new band

Hey, I’m in a new band. [bandcamp width=350 height=621 album=871596628 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff]